Pilgrims of Hope – Women’s Silent Weekend
February 21 @ 8:00 pm – February 23 @ 1:00 pm
The year 2025 has been proclaimed to be a Jubilee Year-a Holy Year. The theme of this year is a call to remember that we are Pilgrims of Hope. We at Christ the King follow the lead of Pope Francis, the chief shepherd of the flock. Our preaching theme for 2025 will be Pilgrims of Hope.
For many, when they hear the word Hope they think of a fond wish. When Christians hear the word Hope we think of a firm promise. As St. Paul proclaims in his letter to the Romans, Hope does not disappoint. Our hope is in the person of Jesus Christ who has laid down his life and conquered sin and death. This hope is poured into our hearts through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We invite you to come to Christ the King during this time of grace to affirm your belief in the hope that can make sense of a hopeless world.