February & October (3 day retreat) / June (6 day retreat)
The retreatant may attend daily Mass and meets each day with a spiritual director to talk about his or her personal journey and experience of God.
There is ample time to spend in solitude and silence for relaxation, prayer, reading and reflection. In the extended time of quiet, one often moves into a deeper listening to God and awareness of God’s presence and action in life. The experience can clarify your dreams, purify your ambitions, expose your foolishness and refresh your life.
A directed retreat enables people to spend uninterrupted hours exploring the movement of God in their lives. The spiritual directors are companions, helping retreatants enter into this spiritual journey and listen to their hearts with new openness to God’s will.
It calls for receptivity to the movements of God’s Spirit, and the capacity and willingness to discuss one’s prayer with the director. The director gives guidance for prayer in response to your individual needs, making suggestions from scripture or other resources that may be helpful.