“A Day Away” for Men & Women

Do you need some “ME” time?  Time away from your normal all-too busy life, to be in solitude with the Lord? Christ the King Retreat Center, overlooking Lake Buffalo, in Buffalo, MN, offers “HOLY GROUND”, a peaceful spot to “walk humbly with your God”. Includes Lunch and private time for personal prayer. Optional: two conferences, … Continue reading “A Day Away” for Men & Women


Day Retreat for Men and Women

PREPARING FOR PENTECOST The word Pentecost is rooted in Greek for “fiftieth”; Pentecost is 50 days after the Resurrection. In the Acts of the Apostles, Jesus explained that he was going to send the Holy Spirit. “While staying with them, he ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the promise of the Father. ‘This,’ … Continue reading Day Retreat for Men and Women


Ven a pasar tiempo con El Señor

Presentado por el Padre Hank Lemoncelli, O.M.I. Durante los días de oración de este año trataremos de profundizar  nuestra comprensión del año litúrgico de la Iglesia. El día consistirá, intercambios en grupos, periodos de silencio, una comida en común.


Silent Weekend Retreat for Men & Women

"UNWRAPPED PRESENTS" Presented by Fr. Charles Lachowitzer Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord.  We studied them in our youth and received them as the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation.  Chances are that one or more of these gifts are still unwrapped. This is an inspiring weekend to unwrap, … Continue reading Silent Weekend Retreat for Men & Women


Day Retreat for Men & Women

HOLINESS OF THE SAINTS We will explore the holiness of the saints through our meditations and how the lives of the saints are present to us today. Includes conferences, time for quiet reflection, optional sharing, the sacrament of Reconciliation and celebration of the Eucharist. Lunch is included


Married Couples Weekend Retreat

NOT SILENT -- DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME These words of Jesus take us to the supper that He shared with his disciples on the night before his death. These words remind the disciples of the great gift He gave them, which is the gift of His presence as He becomes for them the … Continue reading Married Couples Weekend Retreat


Weekend Retreat for Men & Women

Presented by Fr. Joseph Nassal Topic - we will provide this information when it has been verified. Thank you!


Advent Day of Prayer for Men & Women

Presented by King's House Retreat Team The Advent season offers an opportunity to nurture our prayer life with God through the scriptures of this sacred time. The day includes presentations and opportunities for individual private prayer. The sacrament of Reconciliation is available. We conclude the day with the Eucharist. Lunch is included.
