The theme this year is “A Listening Heart”. Here are some testimonials from retreatants who have been on our retreats since August 2020.
“I need to remind myself to count blessings before counting woes, because I take for granted so many things that are automatic (heart beat); I do not recognize them as gifts and blessings.”
“This retreat is so life-changing… You’re alone with God and your thoughts – no distractions. Excellent job dealing with pandemic restrictions.”
“That Jesus knocks at my heart through others; to listen to God speaking to me in many ways.”
“All the layers of listening, piqued my imagination. I loved the silence and dwelling in God’s word.”
“Listening has many levels and opportunities for communicating LOVE! I leave with renewed faith, hope and courage – leaving ‘All that will be’ in God’s Hands!”
We will have our “A Listening Heart” retreats through July 2021 and there are many opportunities to join us on Men’s, Women’s and Men & Women’s Silent retreats. Check out our 2021 schedule; you can register online or call us at 763-682-1394. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.