Christ the King
Weekend Retreat for Men & Women (not silent)
“THE BIG MIDDLE: Midlife as an Invitation to a Deeper Relationship with God, presented by Art Pingolt
November 14 @ 8:00 pm – November 16 @ 1:00 pm
THE BIG MIDDLE explores the nudges, limits and, at times, bewildering feelings of what we call “midlife” and makes a case for this being a time of invitation and discovery. Borrowing from the richest of Catholic mystics and present-day spiritual writers, THE BIG MIDDLE guides the participant through the questions of this time in ones life and explores how to establish a sustainable practice of a personal connection with God. Individuals in their 40s, 50s and 60s will find the retreat valuable but the content is also applicable to spiritual seekers both younger and older. Artie Pingolt will share his own midlife story, influenced by his own diverse background, as a husband and father, investment banker, missionary and student of Ignatian spirituality.
Pilgrims of Hope – Married Couples Weekend
NOT SILENT – Presented by King’s House Retreat Team
Each person of the couple must complete a separate registration. Thank you!
October 17 @ 8:00 pm – October 19 @ 1:00 pm
The year 2025 is proclaimed a Jubilee Year by Pope Francis, the chief shepherd of the flock. This Holy Year is a time of special grace for the church. Following the lead of our shepherd, the theme of our retreats is the same as the theme for this Holy Year, when we are called to be Pilgrims of Hope.
For many, when they hear the word Hope they think of a fond wish. When Christians hear the word Hope we think of a firm promise. As St. Paul proclaims in his letter to the Romans, Hope does not disappoint. Our hope is in the person of Jesus Christ who has laid down his life and conquered sin and death. This hope is poured into our hearts through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We invite you to come to Christ the King during this time of grace to affirm your belief in the hope that can make sense of a hopeless world.
Silent Weekend Retreat for Men & Women
Autumn Triduum: Snapshots of Sanctity and Habits of Holiness – Presented by Fr. Joseph Nassal
October 31 @ 8:00 pm – November 2 @ 1:00 pm
When we look through the photo album of our faith, family, and community life, we see many snapshots of sanctity. Often those we call “saints” are no longer with us. Look closely at these holy cards, these pictures of priestly people, and you will see how they are all dressed in the garment of grace. Their habit is holiness. Trace the threads in these habits of holiness and you will see woven into the fabric of their lives the qualities described in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12). This weekend when we celebrate All Hallows Eve, All Saints, and All Souls, we remember how it is God who makes us worthy to be saints by calling us children of God. When we take off our masks and deepen our desire to live as children of God now, we find sanctity is not for a chosen few but for all.
We invite you to bring pictures of those in your life whose holiness inspired you on your journey of faith.
Silent Weekend Retreat for Men & Women
Being Disciples of Jesus in Charity, Justice, and Prophecy – Why Being Good-Heart is not Enough
Presented by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI
August 1 @ 8:00 pm – August 3 @ 1:00 pm
Our communities, both church and civil, have never been more divided about what constitutes charity, justice, and prophecy. Faith issues and moral issues are dividing us as never before. Today the sincere are being divided from the sincere. What is charity? What is justice? What is prophecy? What does scripture teach us on this? What is the church’s authentic tradition on this? A spirituality of charity, justice, and prophecy.