Women’s Day of Reflection

“The Women Who Came Before Us” presented by Susan Stabile

March 15, 2025 @ 9:00 am 3:00 pm

Although we read about them far too infrequently, women played significant roles in the narratives of both the Old and the New Testaments.  Women have been among the greatest mystics of the Catholic Church and are included in the ranks of those who have been recognized by the Church as saints are some incredibly strong and courageous women of faith.  Many others have not been given recognition as “saints,”  but have modeled lives of holiness.

This retreat is built on the belief that it is valuable for us to remember the stories of the women who came before us.  We need to celebrate the genius they displayed, especially because so many of them lived in times when contributions by women were not encouraged and were not valued.  These women of our past have a lot to say to women of today.  We walk in their footsteps (indeed, on their shoulders) and they can be an inspiration to us.

Our time together will give us the opportunity to learn more about some of the remarkable women who came before us and to understand what the women of yesterday have to say to the women of today.

Susan Stabile is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the University of St. Thomas School of Law and an adjunct Instructor in Theology at St. Catherine’s University, where she co-directs a Lilly Grant secured by that university to bring contemplative practices to congregations and parishes.  An experienced spiritual director and retreat director trained in the Ignatian tradition, she offers retreats and other programs of spiritual formation in parishes, retreat houses and other venues around the country.  Susan also teaches at the Sacred Ground Center for Spirituality program for training spiritual directors and for training directors to lead the Spiritual Exercises.  Susan is the author of numerous publications, including Growing in Love and Wisdom (Oxford University Press 2013).  She also authors a blog, Creo en Dios! (http://susanjoan.wordpress.com), on which she posts spiritual reflections and podcasts.

$75.00 Suggested Donation, includes Lunch