“Amazing Grace”

We are very excited to announce our retreat theme for 2021-2022 “Amazing Grace”.  Our Premiere is on Friday, August 20 at 8 pm through Sunday, August 22 at 1 pm. Check-in on Friday is from 4-8 pm.

Keep your eyes on the prize. This is our vocation. Our focus in life must always be on a God who loves us unconditionally. God is gracious. And Jesus is the manifestation of that graciousness. Jesus teaches us that God is not only more demanding than people care to think but also more generous and gracious than people dare to hope.

One of the great frustrations for a person is to seek to gain what is already given. Once we accept that all is grace then our response must be a deep gratitude. We are not thankful for what we earn. We are grateful for what is gift.

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound.

We also have our Men’s and Women’s Retreats coming up in September, October and November.  Check out retreat dates on our home page.